Monday, June 28, 2021

Ashley's Graduation 2020

Since were in a pandemic we couldn’t get a professional photographer to take Ashley‘s graduation pictures. So she was stuck with us. We asked her where she wanted to take pictures and we decided on the orange groves over by glass ranch. She made her wardrobe changes in the orange trees and we had fun just going with it and taking pictures wherever we thought it might look good.

She got pretty tired of my pictures quick so she called Taylor on the phone and begged him to drive over and take the pictures instead of me. He got some good ones.

So graduation for Ashley ended up being a drive-through graduation. We could be in the car with her but only one person could get out and take pictures of her. The fun thing was that we had my mom plus everyone else at home and so we all got to go and celebrate with her as she picked up her diploma.

Way to go Ashley! 

She had to really push through at the end but she did it!

 So proud of you Ashley.

For the big graduation they had every student who wanted to record them self switching their tassel. Then they put all the videos together.  It was geared to be watched at home but we decided to do an outdoor grad party with the Thompson’s. They are her best friends and it ended up working out good because all the families could be there rather than just six people that could be in the stands at King normally.

I helped with decorations but not much of anything compared to the great job that Kristen did. We all pitched in for a food truck which was the best investment.

Jeff’s client, Nancy Howey made the cupcakes. She did a great job as always! 

We got to have grandma, Dale and Elsa, Perry and Hannah, Steven Tahna, Joel Virginia and Dean, Angela and Robert, Paisley and Ian all come, along with our immediate family!

Ashley and Kate are going to be roommates at BYU Idaho in the fall

In fact Kate, Ashley and Brigham are all going up to Idaho. These guys have been friends pretty much their whole life!

Ana graduated early and was living in Utah but she came down for the celebration and got to celebrate her graduation with them!

So grateful that we could have the celebration even though everything else is shut down

Ashley and Grandma Nelson


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