Monday, August 13, 2018

Spring show and Memorial Day

Ashley had her award ceremony for Pep Squad this month. She had a great group of kids that were mascots with her this year. 

Jayden has been Ashley's mascot bestie throughout.

This was my latest sewing project...Its a onsie suit and tie that I made for a friend who just had a miracle baby. 

We have been friends with the Elsworths for a long time and known that they have struggled with infertility. They were able to have 2 beautiful children through the blessing of adoption...

and now they were able to have a biological child of their own through the miracle of surrogacy. It's such a blessing and it was fun to see her as a new mom of a little one again.  

and of course I loved being able to hold him too. 

I went to see Erin with Kristen Cowden. She's my newest walking partner and we now have great walking partners for our dogs. Her dog Bruno has been walking much more peacefully with a friend and it's nice to get out walking more regularly myself too. 

Ashley got to go on a temple trip with the ward and they got some great pictures....



Memorial Day we had family over for swimming and a barbeque.  Don't look at Taylor's face...he was happy, he just doesn't like me always taking pictures, ha ha.

Tahna with her newest grandaughter. Tessa is such a cutie!

Maddie wishing she was in the pool.

We also sung to Dean since it was his birthday.

Ashley had her last responsibility for mascots this month. They participated in the Spring Show. Like always they have various costumes that we know nothing about until the last minute. 

We realized that they had to do the Wizard of Oz costumes that they had done at the beginning of the year but some of them had thrown them out and they wanted to do something with a circus theme and two of the guys were supposed to be lions. Since it was last minute and nobody wanted to spent a ton of money on costumes that were going to be worn for 5 minutes I created a lion mane out of yarn for two of the mascots. 

Dressing out in the gym with her besties

Last performance of the year. (I also sewed vests for the two "lion tamers"

Ive also done some sewing for volunteer work donations. I've been donating blankets to Beds and Blessings which is an organization that helps get beds and bedding to keep kids out of foster care. 

I also have sewn bereavement buntings and diapers and blankets for Kaiser hospital. 

I also came up with some father's day cards for the Young Women to use as samples to make cards for father's day. The achievement day girls ended up using them as well. 

I love crafty things to keep me busy and if I can help others while doing it, even better. 

Update From Jacob

May 21st 2018 – Jacob
Hope ya'll are doing wonderful! Mom, your parents are correct, it is getting very hot haha. This whole last week we were in a storm off and on, but it was still hot, so it got super humid. Even when it isn't too hot, I find myself sweating within a minute of walking. It's great though! I'll probably lose like 10 pounds of sweat during the Summer!

Transfers are coming up this week, and i'm pretty sure we're both staying. Which is great! I love this branch so much! I've grown so close to the members here, and the work is really starting to increase! We're working with a couple families right now to help them get back to church, and we've been talking with everyone! We went to a Spring fesitival in downtown Lancaster (much smaller than downtown Riverside) and walked through it. And wow, I felt like we were famous, everyone stopped to look at us! It was kinda like when someone walks into a diner, and the jukebox scratches and everyone's staring at the people. It was kinda like that haha.

      We've had a lot of people that we talk to that have seen us when we're out on the streets. My Guess, is that by the end of my time here, everyone in Lancaster will remember the missionaries. Have'nt encountered any crazy people this week, they've all been super nice! 

      We also had our last district meeting of the transfer this week. President Alexander said he was coming, and it was so great to have him there. Initially I was kinda nervous, but as soon as he walked in the spirit filled the room. He had a lot of good insights to add, and he said that the meeting went great! It was an amazing experience, but also kinda sad seeing that he only has one more transfer left. I was glad he was able to make it to my district meeting before he went. 

The mission is just going really well right now. It hasn't been a big struggle to stay focused and to not worry about home. I am very grateful for this experience because I feel like i've overcome a lot of my weaknesses. The humbling part is that it wasn't through anything I could do, but because of Jesus Christ. I feel I understand a little more of how personal his sacrifice is, and i'm grateful for this last 4 months i have to serve him. I love you all! And i hope you have a wonderful week!

-Elder Beaulieu 

May 28th 2018

Hello Family!

Happy Memorial Day! Today has been one of the best memorial days for me, because I was able to take a nap today! 

So as you have heard, I did get transferred. I was only in Lancaster for 3 months, which is sad, but It was great while I was there. Almost everyone in the branch sent me something on Facebook saying goodbye and that they'll miss you. I am very grateful I had the opportunity to serve there. I am now in Hickory, NC. It's a very beautiful area, with the perfect mix of rural and city, with only a little bit of ghetto in it. Plus, there's a lot of hills in the area, and even mountains in the zone! There aren't many times on the mission you can see over 100 yards out. I do love the trees though. The ward here is one of the best. They have been baptizing a lot of people for a long while now, and the whole ward is very missionary minded. It's crazy though being in a big ward coming from a branch. In Lancaster it only took me two weeks to memorize everyones names, but here I memorized everyone's name in Ward Council but then the ward is so much bigger! I am very excited for the work that is happening here.

We actually just had a baptism a couple days ago. His name is Joseph and he's 11. Probably the smartest investigator i've taught on my mission. He was able to recall anything that the missionaries had taught him. It was a special thing to be able to witness his baptism. There's a lot of people here already that the Elders were working with. It's been nice because we have been super busy lately. 

The only scary part, is that this zone is leading the mission, and I was called to be a zone leader here. It's been on the rise for a while now, so we're just trying to keep the fire burning. Luckily the other zone leader here is probably my favorite missionary in the mission, and was just released last transfer from being an assistant. He is Elder Gurney, and Elder Bibo, my other companion, is a wonderful missionary, that i've only been able to serve with him a little bit before, but i already love him so much. We been having a lot of fun together and a lot of success. Being in a trio is fun though! Never a dull moment, however teaching all together is a little adjustment haha. The only sad thing is that this is Elder Gurney's last transfer, and it's a 5 week transfer to prepare for the new mission president coming in. So these next few weeks are going to be very crazy for us. 

I love you family so much! Hope you have a wonderful week!

-Elder Beaulieu

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