Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Downtown Dublin July 2023

We were finally ready to start our summer travels with the Oleson's. Our first stop was Dublin Ireland. 

Ireland was something on my bucket list and we were finally getting to see it. Our travels were smooth and we got into town and saw what we could that evening. We walked to where there was a pub and had the best corned beef and cabbage I've ever had. It was made very differently compared to what we are used to in the states. 


Exhausted from our flight!



Exploring the town and appreciating the art. 


We were happy to get to our hotel and get some rest that night. 


We walked around the downtown area as much as we could. Near our hotel there were haunting statues commemorating the potato famine. 



One of the things that we like to do when we are traveling in Europe is to visit churches. They are often like museums and full of art and history and tell a lot about the place we are visiting. We visited St. Patrick's cathedral where they had famous people buried and even had some of the original music from Handel's Messiah. It was built in 1220!

There were some rotting flags in the church building that confused me at first. When I read about them I learned that they kept that flags of people that they had conquered in war and they just hung in the church until they rotted away. 


We walked by Liberties of Christ church


We got to explore Dublin castle which was a government building at one time. I was surprised at how ornate it was and filled with art.



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