Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Rostock and Schwerin Germany

When we got off the boat in Rostock we didn't want to waste 6 hours of our time in Germany taking a train to and from Berlin so we decided to go another route and visit a city that was closer. We decided to go to Schwerin Castle which was a beautiful castle that was surrounded by gardens and filled with ornate rooms of furniture and art. 

Getting there was a bit of a challenge at first and the men ended up asking these German workers for help as we learned to navigate the trains. I am happy to go along for the ride as Jeff and Joel figure a lot of the logistics out. 

Wherever we visit we tend to like to visit cathedrals, churches and houses of worship as well. I find that not only are they beautiful they house the history and art of a region and often are the best museums of an area. 

After we returned to Rostock we walked around and enjoyed the shops, the lighthouse, street performers and view along the canals near the ocean where our ship was docked. We were docked long enough to enjoy the sun setting. 



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