Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Malahide Castle and Howth Cliff Walk

With some of the day free before we had to fly to our next destination we decided to go on a hike along the cliffs at Howth Head. The weather was nice and the sound of the ocean and the birds was peaceful and was what I think of when I think of Ireland. The perfect way to spend a morning. 

We hit a snag in our plans when we found out that our luggage that we spent $200 to ship over to Europe for the rest of our trip was lost and we wouldn't be getting it until after we left for our cruise! So we only had clothes for the 3 days we were in Ireland and had nothing for the rest of the 2 1/2 weeks. Jeff has to have everything tailored so he was more upset. We ran by a mall as it was closing and picked up what we could which wasn't much and decided we would make the best of it. 


After our hike we decided to visit Malahide Castle before we headed to the airport. We didn't have enough time to tour inside the castle but we were able to tour the grounds which were pretty spectacular themselves. 

When we got to the airport and were about ready to get on the plane to fly to London we had a problem. We couldn't find Jeff's passport!

I was already checked in and Joel and Virginia were checked in and on the plane while we were tearing through all of our luggage looking for the missed passport. The contents of our luggage were strewn through the terminal when re realized we were going to miss our flight. 

We decided we would check to see if Jeff's passport was either in security or back at the lounge but now my passport couldn't be found! The gate agent never gave it back to me, didn't have it but swore that she gave it to me. Long story short we asked that it would be announced on the plane assuming it was given to another passenger. They said they would announce it on the plane....they never did. Joel and Virginia were texting us throughout. It was a Saturday and the cruise was leaving on Sunday and no consulates would be open even if we had to go that route. 

We found Jeff's passport in the security area but mine was still missing. I couldn't leave the airport and get back in without it so he left the airport and went back in to buy replacement tickets for the last flight to London. The ticket person said there was no way they would let me fly without a passport but Jeff told him he was going to try. Right before Joel and Virginia landed Joel realized that they had given him my passport and it was stuck in the middle of their passports. Joel thought he would have my passport fly back with the next flight but we would miss it so we told him to hang on to it in London and meet us off the plane!

It was quite a feat to talk our way through the international flight without a passport! We found the gate agent at another area of the airport and she apologized for giving my passport to someone else and we drug her to the gate to vouch for us and we got on the last flight out. Joel and Virginia patiently waited for us in a corridor for hours. We got in late at night and then hired a car for the 3 hour drive to Dover. We got to our Air B and B about 2 in the morning but we made it!


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