Friday, June 28, 2024

June 2023 continued

Father's Day we hosted a get together at our house. Our ward was in charge of feeding the homeless that day so the Oleson's met up with us to help with service first and then we came back to the house and enjoyed a meal and some time together. 

By this time next year Taylor will be a Da Da so Taylor Rose got him a shirt to commemorate him.

We were able to have the Zook's over to enjoy the pool this month and I got to drive out and watch a play with my family. 

The Taylor's and Ashley and Conute met up for a sibling camping trip in Yellowstone. They had a great time together even though I'm sure that sleeping on the hard ground wasn't the most comfortable for Taylor Rose. 

Jacob was at EFY this year as a director and some of the participants set up an Instagram account with pictures of Jacob sightings. This year was a struggle since he was hit but a bus in the cross walk the first day of EFY. He was battling symptoms of a concussion the entire time but decided he wanted to continue with his responsibilities. 

My days on my own have been filled with walks, sewing some (I sewed a couple of shirts for myself) and some crafting. The crochet turtles were a commission job that I made for someone. 

The Oleson's got to go up to Loyalton to visit with Mom, Jim and Walter. They enjoyed hiking and visiting together. 

Lucky me I got jury duty and then was put on a 2 week trial right before our trip about of the country. (Not lucky me). It was very hard to sit still during all the courtroom testimony knowing that my summer time is slipping away and you just have to sit in silence and your schedule is not your own. Since I am a teacher and considered a government employee I didn't even get the $15 a day....I got mileage only which ended up being $45 dollars for two weeks. 

This was one of the projects that I am working on to prepare for the Taylor's baby shower at the end of the summer. I got this diaper cake off of a Buy nothing Facebook group and redecorated it to match the theme of the Baby Shower. It's fun that we can plan for a girl and can decorate with fun things like strawberries. 


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