Wednesday, June 26, 2024

January 2023

 We enjoyed having Ashley and Conute and Jacob home for Christmas. We look forward to the time we get to spend with them since they are living out of state. 

We spent new years eve at home with the Taylor's sharing a meal together. 

This month we got to celebrate Jeff at the annual New York Life kickoff event. Jeff won awards and we had a nice dinner. Way to go Jeff for another great year. 


Ashley's good friend in high school, Kate Thompson had a baby! Ashley got to go over for a visit and meet her. Ashley had a birthday this month. Happy Birthday Ashley!


Jeff and I got to go to a date night with Joel and Virginia to see Penn and Teller. 


For one of Jeff's birthday presents I bought him a gift certificate to go to a cooking class. The food was good and we enjoyed it but it wasn't like the ones we have done in the past. When we were done cooking we just stood at the counter to eat our food (not very relaxing). 

The class was inside of a store so we were able to buy some fun cooking tools for the kitchen as well. 


Jeff and I on a date night with Steve and Tahna.

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