1. Changed plans. Even though I didn't get to do a lot of things that I was supposed to do people have been wonderful in stepping up and helping me. Thank you Lori for covering our visiting teaching appointments when I couldn't make it!
2. Forced time at home. I was able to do things I didn't think I would have time for because...I couldn't go anywhere. It actually was a blessing.
3. Antibiotics. Ashley had strep throat and for days she was laying on the couch not wanting to move. Here she is after 24 hours of antibiotics...
of course the next morning when it was time to go to school she complained and tried to milk being sick for longer. Her fever had been gone for over 24 hours and she was feeling fine the day before. (I have pictures to prove it) Once we got her up and going she was fine.
4. Yesterday everyone was at school so I could finally finish errands that I needed to do! I had my visiting teacher come over, went to a doctor's appointment and hit 5 stores in the pouring rain with an hour to spare before school was out...and no accidents.
5. My wonderful visiting teacher
6. Our first goodie plate drop off of the season from the Krepps family. This is what was left after 24 hours...
You guys can interrupt our family home evening any time :)
7. I'm grateful not waiting until later in the day to clean up the couch pillows since this is what I found under them right after the kids left for school...
8. I'm very, very grateful for a wonderful husband who has had sympathy on me this week and even came home in the middle of the day to an ultra messy house and brought me flowers and a nice card. He gave me a kiss and greeted the kids and was back on his way. Thanks honey it made my day!
9. I am grateful that Taylor is home for school sick today because it would explain his scary display of writhing and moaning on the floor for an hour yesterday afternoon refusing to tell me what was wrong. This morning he says his throat hurts but he doesn't have a fever and he has homework that he didn't finish...hmmm. So I'm deciding to take his word for it and I sent him back to bed. But I'm grateful that it's him home sick because he's old enough to hang out as I do what I need to do for today.
10. The last thing that I'm grateful for is good friends. Thanks for letting me call and vent, for stepping up and helping me when I'm to proud to admit that I can't do it all on my own and for just being there to do fun social things and help me forget other responsibilities! Thanks!
Glad you all enjoyed the goodies!! The toffee you gave us didn't last long either...so yummy!
No one here hands out Christmas goodies...so they were extra surprised when we dropped ours off.
Love the flowers from Jeff. "Way to go Jeff!"
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