Thursday, August 1, 2024

Stockholm, Sweden


Stockholm is a beautiful city and I wish we had more time to see it. We had to pay for a hop on hop off bus ride into town and I was impressed with all the large and imperial looking buildings that were clean and ornate. 

The city is full of museums that we didn't have time to see but we did get to see the Vasa museum. 

We took a bus shuttle into the city that was a hop-on hop-off bus and water taxi. We went into a church but they were having services so we tried not to disturb them too much. 

It started raining heavily and we got on the water taxi and took it 2 stops to the Vasa museum that had a well preserved boat from king Vasa that had sank into the harbor.  The museum was interesting and showcased a lot of the preserved parts of the boat, how people made it, what it looked like before it sank and how they were able to get it out of the water. The boat sank because the engineering was bad and it was top heavy and there were openings that filled up with water and sank it after a storm. It was ornate and over the top and in the end the basic engineering was it's downfall.  We stayed there longer than we would have because Jason left his phone and wallet on the water taxi and had quite the adventure getting it back. As soon as he met up with us it was time to start making our way back to where the last bus for the day was. 

We were going so quick we didn't have time to eat until we stopped at the local Ikea where we knew we could get food. It actually was really good food. We had the meatballs and lingenberry jelly, mashed potatoes and peas and a seafood salad on rye bread and it was all good. 

We found a fun shop called Virginia's and we had to stop to sample the sweets. 

Back on the ship its always nice looking out the balcony as we pass by land. On the ship we enjoy relaxing, eating, going to the shows and comedy club and one day we played bingo. 

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