Call me crazy but I volunteered to help Ashley's class make costumes for their play.
The fish hat was my favorite.
I saw the prototype for this hat online for $20 so I printed out a copy and did my best to recreate it. I already had the felt and used ping pong balls for the eyes. I love trying to figure out creative challenges...especially without a pattern. It just makes you have to think harder :)
I also used the ping pong balls for the tadpole do you make a tadpole costume??? I didn't really know but this is what I came up with.
The dollar store and material I already had pretty much contributed to all the costumes.
I took T-shirts from the dollarstore and glued tails and stomachs on them. Here's a lion body (the head is at school).
I think I pretty much spent $20.00 for the whole classes costumes (some supplies we already had). Pretty sweet.
This week I also helped Taylor assemble his bookshelf for his Eagle project...
On Monday we worked on a scrapbook to give to the Allens who are moving. We found lots of fun pictures of their kids and our kids going to all kinds of things from scouts to church, preschool, elementary school, the beach, museums, was a fun trip down memory lane and sad at the same time now that they'll be farther away. My kids got to write notes to their kids and hopefully they'll remember all the fun memories we had together. (I forgot to take a picture of it.)
I've also been working on baby shower blankets...another fun excuse to do something crafty :).
The only down side with all this crafting is that dinners haven't been so great...if at all....and I need to go start cleaning up my messes. Good thing for a patient, loving husband!!!
Those costumes are AWESOME!!! It look like you painted on the (fish) it!!!
Very cool bookshelf too.
Love crafty weeks...I need one. :)
You are amazing!! Love the fish hat!
You are so creative!!! And giving!
That is SO cool, Christine! Wow! Messes are the worst part. :(
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