an organ so we can have Taylor learn how to play the hymns for church. It still smells like something that came out of my grandma's house but it was free and it works so we're happy. All we need is a bench to go with it.
On Monday Jeff and Jacob had the opportunity to go to an Angel's game with one of Jeff's clients. He was an ex-Angel's pitcher so he get's them in free down in the "good" section. Normally Jeff will just go with him but since it was close to Jacob's birthday Jacob came along too.
Here is their view from their seats.
Jacob enjoyed the game, time with Dad
and especially the snacks.
The next day we lost a member of our family when Ashley and I drove Jacob up to camp about 2 1/2 hours away.
He was nervous to go since it would be the first time he would be away by himself, without family. He was nervous the first day but then he said he had a really fun time the rest of the week.
After a sno-cone and meeting some of Jacob's cabin-mates and counsilors he came over to me and said "Mom how much longer are you going to be here??" I guess that was my cue to leave. Then he said "Can I go now?" So we gave him hugs and we left.
Ashley and I stopped by Jeff's mom's on the way home to say hi and let Ashley pet her dogs. We were expecting to just have a short visit but we ended up getting fed dinner, Ashley got a haircut and Rueben gave us some vegetables from their garden.
Taylor and Jeff were gone for the night at the Stake Beach day and when they got home they brought this...
Jeff's sweet aunt made this huge afghan for Ashley. I can't believe how fast she did it too (about a month). I can't finish a baby blanket! She loved it.
I think I married into a pretty good family!!
It's so good to see your cute family! Looks like it has been a good summer!! Nice job on the blog, I haven't updated mine since I joined FB in dec., shameful!
Take care - say Hi to Jeff for us!
A couple posts before today's, you will see a picture of the injury Zeke got. It was UGLY!
That afghan is beautiful!!! Very cool.
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