Before we left on our trip all the children had school projects to do. Taylor even had two due the day we left. This is a picture of Ashley's project. It was supposed to be a trash monster made from things that would go into the trash (but hadn't already been there because she didn't want anything nasty). Introducing is Mrs. Girly...
This is a picture of Ashley after she just lost another tooth. When we asked the kids their favorite parts of our trip to DC Ashley reported that hers was losing her tooth. She has now become our snaggle-toothed daughter. I had to help her eat an apple that she could only lamely maul since she lost her ability to bite. My brother in law thought it looked like a bird feeding it's young. (he probably lost his appetite some:)...
And...last but not least here is the extent of our Easter pictures this year. We all got to bed at 3:00am Virginia time the night before. The kids all stumbled out of bed to look at baskets and then got ready for church. Luckily Jeff was nice enough to pick some stuff up at the store after Youth Conference and before he had to pick us up from the airport so we got to still have a ham dinner last night and even invited Jeff's sister Cheri and her husband Ryan over to eat it with us. Unfortunately these are still the only pictures I got yesterday. I guess I was tired of taking pictures after our trip :)I guess there won't be any cute Easter page this year in the scrapbook...
Love the spa picture! Hee, hee.
We are glad you're back.
I do miss Easter candy here...the closest we could find were chocolate soccer balls.
Wow! Yo have creative kids! Love the spa pic;)
That "jacuzzi" picture is AWESOME! Love it. Do you guys still do scrapbook nights? I miss those get togethers.....
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